Dipper Paddle Boarding is a paddleboarding company based in Fort William in the Scottish Highlands. I offer sessions in a range of environments but specialise in white water sup. Dipper runs sessions throughout Scotland and also offers trips abroad.

Your Coach/Guide
Hi there
I am Jess Philip, owner, admin and coach of the company.
I have over 7 years experience in the outdoor industry and 14 years of personal paddling experience. Along side dipper I work for the Outward Bound Trust as a Senior Instructor.
I set up dipper paddle boarding at the start of 2021, in order to share the beautiful environments paddleboarding can take you to and help other people to improve their skills.
Current qualifications to keep you safe on the water:
BC White Water SUP Coach
BC SUP Coastal Leader
BC SUP Open Water Coach
BC Advanced White Water Satety and Rescue Certificate